Aprovechamos la ocasión para felicitar al profesor Luigi Pascale en su 90 cumpleaños.
Desde Tecnam Air queremos agradecerle su ingenio, pasión y dediciación a la creación de estás maravillosas máquinas que hoy en día nos permiten realizar uno de los mejores placeres terrenales: VOLAR.
Además, agradecerle también que dichas aeronaves creadas por él, y fabricadas por todo el equipo Tecnam, siempre encuentran el equilibrio entre unas buenas prestaciones con una excelente armonía de mandos, lo que nos permite VOLAR con mucha SEGURIDAD. Todos aquellos clientes que han volado, o poseen un Tecnam, saben a que me refiero.
Gracias Luigi, ojalá que cumplas muchos más, y podamos seguir disfrutando de tu ingenio.

MUCHAS FELICIDADES de parte del equipo Tecnam en España, y de todos los usuarios Tecnam!!!

News Release

1 November 2013

Professor Luigi Pascale Italy’s foremost aircraft designer celebrates his 90th birthday.
Despite this special anniversary Professor Pascale will still be behind his desk leading Tecnam’s Research and Design team, working on the very Tecnam latest aircraft design the next-generation 11 seat P2012 Traveller.
Luigi “Gino” Pascale is a native of Naples, Italy, whose passion for aviation began during the 1930’s when with his brother Giovanni “Nino” they won many model plane races. The two brothers built their first aircraft, the P48 Astore, which flew on the 2nd of April 1951. At the time the Professor Luigi had just graduated with a Master Degree as a Mechanical Engineer (the Department of Aeronautical Engineering was created later by the Professor Pascale himself) and started his career at the University of Naples as assistant of Professor Umberto Nobile. Nobile was also an outstanding aviation character, undertaking the first expedition to North Pole with an airship. Gaining his Pilots License is 1951; Professor Pascale designed and built a number of competition winning ‘race’ planes including the P55 Tornado.Founding PARTENAVIA in 1957 began building General Aviation planes ‘for everyone’. Aircraft such as the P64 Oscar and P66 became bestsellers and firm favorites as training aircraft and led to his innovative P68 light twin design. In 1986 the two Pascale brothers founded TECNAM, and Professor Pascale’s first design the P92 has now flown 200,000 hours with over 2,500 in service worldwide.
Professor Pascale has received numerous accolades and awards including the ‘Paul Tissandier diploma’ from Federation Aeronautique Internationale, the ‘Aeroplano d’Argento’ and earlier this year the ‘Flieger Magazin’ Award.
With his timeless passion for flying, today TECNAM is the world’s largest producer of both General Aviation and Light Sport Aircraft and delivers a new aircraft every working day.

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